Monday, September 30, 2019

A Stereotypical Teenager Essay

Loud, obnoxious, rebellious, out of control, and up to no good†¦ these are just a few of a wide number of stereotypes that are attributed to American teenagers. What is it about teenagers that make the rest of society seem to turn against them? I believe that there are many misconceptions about teenagers. Many people in different generations sincerely believe that all teenagers are up to no good, and are guaranteed trouble no matter where they are. I am not arguing that teenagers like that don’t exist, because there are plenty of them out there, but it bothers me that one type of teenager has been able to spoil the image of all other teenagers. Personally I think that these stereotypes apply more to me because I am a male. In addition to being a male teenager, I also have noticed that people think negatively of me because I wear a longer hair style than what is typically expected in society. Some people grow long hair to show rebellion, or to be unique, but I wouldn’t classify myself into either of those categories, I simply enjoy having it more than short hair. But because of that, many members of society link certain stereotypes of male teenagers to me because I show long hair. I could be considered many different things including: rebellious, troubled, angry, arrogant, or any other sort of stereotype out there. How could anyone possibly claim to know all of these false accusations simply based on my age, and my gender? At times it can be bothersome when people take certain precautions around teenagers, because they believe that we are all reckless, and dangerous. Parents will cross to the opposite side of the street with their kids, people clear sidewalks when walking, other drivers tense up on the road, and all while this is happening, other people will keep one eye carefully watching, just to make sure that all of the rotten teenagers don’t do anything dangerous. I sometimes think that people see me and other teenagers as giant, shiny explosives that are about to detonate, so everyone else needs to distance themselves as much and as quickly as possible. Just because a teenager happens to be walking around outside, that should in no way trigger a response where people feel that it isn’t safe to be near  teenagers. Although it does bother me, I can also see a point of view where I would do the same thing. If I saw someone outside that looked a little bit off-beat to me, I would most likely go a different path as well. However, that raises the question, why does society take in all of these stereotypes and live all of their lives believing false statements? All of it is ridiculous I believe. Anyone that knows me will be able to explain that I am the exact opposite of a stereotypical teenager, so no one should need to take precautions if they see me out somewhere. A stereotypical teenager would most likely be thought of being connected to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs in some way, shape, or form; I on the other hand do not do any of those things, and am strongly against them. Because I do not consider myself anywhere close to a stereotypical teenager, it does bother me when people mistake me for doing those types of activities. All of these common stereotypes don’t do any good for the people who actually work hard, and try to do something with their lives. For many people, stereotyping does more than just become a bothersome hassle. For a handful of teenagers, the effect of stereotyping makes them feel pressured into behaving like a stereotypical teenager. For example, some people do drugs and alcohol because they are expected to by society’s stereotypes, so someone may think, â€Å"Oh, I am a teenager now, I guess because other people are drinking then I have to as well.† I don’t even see peer pressure as that much of an issue here, people tend to start drinking or doing drugs voluntarily; more often than not, there isn’t peer pressure that is forcing them into doing something. And that creates an entire roundabout of madness. To simplify this; many people start acting like stereotypical teenagers, because they feel that they need to in order to be a â€Å"normal† teenager. But that in turn makes society cast out teenagers, when it is actually those same members of society who created these stereotypes for teenagers to follow. In reality, there are several statistics that illustrate a decline in teenage drug abuse, alcoholism, and teenage pregnancy, yet stereotypes still exist (Poole). Are all teenagers loud, obnoxious, rebellious, out of control, and up to no good? Obviously not, there is no way that every single teenager in the world  could fit that description. And yet, society still labels every teenager in the world by a description very similar to that. The few teenagers that live a life similar to that have managed to destroy the image of every teenager that happens to be a good kid. It seems that hardworking, determined, and honest teenagers don’t have a place in the world anymore. They are out there, and ready to be noticed, but the rest of society has chosen to view them in the same manner as the bad crowds that exist in the teenage population. Quite strange, that the model teenager that is acceptable in society is not taken seriously. Why does society view superior teenagers that way? It is not only teenagers; it is everybody in the world. No person will ever be right in prejudicing someone, no matter who they are.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Betrayal in Shakespeare Essay

Breaking the bond of trust in a relationship, and deceiving another person is considered betrayal. In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, betrayal can be seen as the base of the whole story, and throughout the play between other characters. Due to the anger of Cassius, the whole of the play deals with the betrayal of Caesar by Cassius, and there are examples of this before and after his death. The first betrayal of Caesar can be looked at in the very beginning of the play, when Flavius and Marcillus sends the commoners away, and then proceed to take scarves off of the statues celebrating Caesar. They make the comment, â€Å"These growing feathers pluck’d from Caesar’s wing will make him fly an ordinary pitch,† (Act 1, Scene 1). In other words, the two conspirators feel that by sending away Caesar’s followers will give Caesar a reality check of sorts, and to bring his ego down a peg. The next example of betrayal can be seen by Cassius working to get Brutus to his side, away from believing in Caesar. He does this by first sending him a fake letter, and then proceeds to tell him about why he is so upset, and that he feels betrayed by Caesar. He tells Brutus about a time before when they were swimming across the Tiber river and Caesar was almost drowning, calling out, â€Å"Help me, Cassius, or I will sink! † (Act 1, Scene 2). He describes how he saved Caesar’s life, then tells Brutus, â€Å"and this man is now become a god, and Cassius is a wretched creature and must bend his body,† (Act 1, Scene 2). This would be describing Cassius bowing down to Caesar as a king, even though he had saved his life. Most of the betrayal in this story is fairly upfront, until Act 3, after Caesar is killed. His friend Mark Anthony acts as though he is betraying Caesar, in order to take his later revenge. When he first arrives at the murder scene, he shakes hands with all of the conspirators that have killed Caesar, even though their hands are covered with blood. He then comments, â€Å"Shall it not grieve thee dearer than thy death to see thy Anthony making his piece, shaking the bloody fingers of thy foes, most noble! In the presence of thy corpse? † (Act 3, Scene 1). He is actually speaking to the spirit of Caesar. Anthony plays this part of fake betrayal to Caesar, continuing by agreeing to Brutus that he will not say anything bad about him after Brutus gets done speaking at the funeral of Caesar. Yet, the true betrayal happens when Anthony begins to discount everything Brutus has just said to the citizens, and he turns the citizens against Brutus and the other conspirators. The citizens become enraged as they feel that their leader, Caesar has been betrayed by the killers. The last example of betrayal can be seen as family betrays family. In Act 5, there is a conversation between Lepidus, Octavius, and Mark Anthony. The first family betrayal is when Lepidus consents to have his brother killed along with the other conspirators. Octavius asks Lepidus, â€Å"your brother too must die; consent you Lepidus? † to which Lepidus answers, â€Å"I do consent,† (Act 5, Scene 1). The next family betrayal is when Mark Anthony then agrees that his sister’s son, Publius will be killed too. Anthony replies without hesitation, â€Å"He shall not live; look with a spot I damn him,† (Act 5, Scene 1). There are other examples of betrayal in Julius Caesar, but betrayal is a concept that the whole story is based on, interweaving between almost all the characters of the story. From the major storyline of the betrayal of Caesar, to the minor betrayals between characters which cause Caesar’s death, or betrayal that is because of it, this is ultimately the theme of the story itself.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Program Evaluation for Non-Profit Organization

An organization needs to put in place an evaluation process to ascertain whether it is accomplishing its goals or not. Such evaluation would then become a very important part of the ensuing planning process. There are two ways in which an organization conducts an evaluation. One is intended to proceed with the evaluation through the goals established by the organization. The other is to conduct the evaluation through the processes in place in the organization. With goal-based evaluation, the organization seeks to understand whether the avowed goals have been achieved or exceeded. It has an emphasis on outputs instead of processes. Even with limited resources and difficult situations, the goal-based evaluation looks at the outputs based on the inputs and other raw materials put into the process. It is usually useful for organizations that are beating deadlines, or seeking to meet targets given limited resources, time, and manpower. Results are given primacy in this kind of evaluation (Edvardsson & Hansson, 2003). Process-based evaluation focuses on efficiency and effectiveness. It is geared towards minimizing costs while ensuring that the goals are achieved. With this kind of evaluation, the goals to be achieved are given and are expected to be delivered. In doing so, the organization is freed from looking at the achievement of the goals because such is expected. What the organization is focusing on, however, is the way that the goals are being achieved. Are they effective and efficient? Are they contributing to the overall objectives of the organization? Is there a way that such processes could be improved and geared to help the organization achieve more? Are the policies of the organization sound and the different departments coordinating smoothly with each other? Through these questions, the organization is taking a look at the way in which it can achieve its goals by improving its processes. The goals are important but processes are more important in certain respects because of their systemic nature. Depending on the circumstances, however, a goal-based organization may be more important than a process-oriented one (Ott, 2001). In addition to this, process-based evaluation takes a look at the policies, programs, coordination systems, and other processes at work in the organization. It makes use of a systemic view of the organization and seeks to integrate every important aspect of the organization in the evaluation process. It is more comprehensive than goal-based evaluation as it may take more time to be completed (Ott, 2001). Application of Evaluation Styles Goal-based evaluation may be more appropriate in situations where the non-profit organization is evaluating together with their clientele. In the case of an organization dedicated to community development, a goal-based evaluation would be suitable for a discussion with the community regarding the achievements of the goals. Usually, if the goals are not accomplished or achieved, the people, together with the non-profit organization can brainstorm on the problems that are being faced by the community. In addition to this, it would be important to evaluate themselves about the hindrances that they face in accomplishing the goals identified during the planning phase. Goal-based evaluation also looks at the actual outputs of the organization’s project. If the project is about reducing the number of substance addicts in the neighborhood, then a goal-based evaluation would say that the program is successful if there is a significant decline in the number of offenders. On the other hand, process-based evaluation would take a look at the overall systemic performance of the organization. Even if the results are phenomenal if the processes are not firmly in place, then such an evaluation would be careful in proclaiming success. It would look at the coordination systems, the teamwork of the organization, as well as the ethical side of things. With such an evaluation, it becomes important to look at the overall strategy of the organization instead of simply focusing on achieved goals (Ott, 2001). Establishing the Framework of a New Nonprofit Organization As a new Executive Director of a nonprofit organization, there are several things I need to do in order to ensure that the organization is setup and would thrive in the process. Without the necessary legal and financial framework, the nonprofit organization is bound to fail. The following strategies outline what needs to be done for this organization. The first step, of course, would be to define what the organization is all about—the kinds of services to be offered and the way it will be structured. The vision, mission, and goals of the organization have to be defined. The structure, on the other hand, would enable the organization to achieve its goals. Registration and Legal Personality The nonprofit organization should acquire its legal personality by being registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission or its equivalent. Through this, the nonprofit organization will be able to transact legally under the laws of the country and will be able to purchase property and open accounts under its own name. This also prevents unscrupulous persons to setup accounts and secure properties in their own names at the expense of the organization. With a legal personality, however, also comes responsibility. As such, the organization may sue persons and it can also be sued. It therefore needs to comply with legal requirements of organizations. Securing Advisers The nonprofit organization also needs legal and financial advisers so that it would not violate any law or ordinance even accidentally. A legal counsel would be needed. Although there are lawyers offering pro-bono services, it would also be a good idea to include the lawyer’s fee in the budget of the organization. Securing Funding As part of the strategy of the organization, the Executive director also needs to look for sources of funding from different organizations. Private corporations and even countries do fund initiatives for development. It takes a careful research of these organizations. Without a steady source of funding, the organization will not prosper and will only flounder if there is no steady funding. As part of the financial framework of the organization, there should also be a means to ensure transparency and accountability. This would be important in ensuring that the donors trust the organization and for the organization to adhere to governmental rules such as Sarbanes-Oxley. Although SOX, as Sarbanes-Oxley is called, was meant for companies for profit, it has provisions for non-profit organizations. Adhering to these accounting regulations can also help in enhancing the overall strategy, integrity, and transparency of the organization. Reference Edvardsson, K. & Hansson, S. O. (2003). When is a goal rational?. Social Choice and Welfare, 24 (2), 343-361. Ott, J. S. (2001). The Nature of the Nonprofit Sector. New York: Westview Press. Â   Â  

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ethical Care & Nursing as a Profession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical Care & Nursing as a Profession - Essay Example At times, whistle blowing is an approach that helps in enhancing service provision. For instance, in nursing organizations, the elderly are mistreated, since they do not have complications that are solved through medication. Since the nurses have to engage the elderly with profound care and maintenance, they feel that they spend a lot of time with the elderly than other patients. Similarly, they have to attend to the senior citizens with patience and humility. As a result, the elderly are neglected, with little attention being given. In many situations, the elderly are not in a position to expound on their predicaments, since they fear adverse conditions. Whistle blowing in the nursing unit instigated a solution to the problem, since the situation was escalating (Kelly, 2010). The staff had to respond to the call, as stringent measures would be taken to the perpetrators. In fact, the whistle blowing incident was appropriate, as it instilled decorum in the nursing profession.   Ther efore, the whistle blowing was timely, as it ensured the senior citizens are treated with care and love, irrespective of their age and situation.Previously, malpractice has occasionally been cited, due to limited education and experience. For instance, surgeons have to be experienced and well educated to start practicing in the profession. However, when the surgeons do not have the required knowledge and skills, they may be prone to mistakes in ensuring the services provided in the profession are of high quality.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Functions of article 3 ECHR; Provision or enforcement of standards Essay

Functions of article 3 ECHR; Provision or enforcement of standards - Essay Example This is a question that might get so many awkward answers if a clear interpretation of the article is not given. The first question any person would ask before answering this question is whether the convention has any jurisdiction to influence laws on crime and social support in countries outside Europe. The provisions of Article one of the ECHR have been a tough nut to crack particularly because the stipulations in the article are a little confusing and to some extent ambiguous. The bone of contention in this article is usually the extra-territorial authority of the convention. Miller set to establish the boundaries of the convention authority and found out that the extra-territorial authority of the convention was in question1. She admitted that that article one of the convention doesn’t give the clear amplitude of the convention’s jurisdiction and continued to stress that the convention’s participation in the ‘war on terror’ campaign only soured t he wound rather than disinfect it. In a bid to avoid the contentious issue of its jurisdiction, the convention has referred to its ties with other internationally recognized bodies such as the United Nations. For example in the Behrami v. France case and the Saramati v. France case, the ECHR where the issue of the convention’s jurisdiction was raised and the convention decided to counterattack these concerns play playing the card of its relations with the UN charter. Ryngaert examined the time where the scope of ECHR’s jurisdiction that was presented when looking at the Al-Skeini v the United Kingdom case2. The case was brought to the attention of ECHR by six Iraqi natives who had close family and social ties with some Iraqi citizens whose lives were ended by British soldiers in a town that is south of Iraq know as Basrah. The six brought the case to the ECHR in form of an appeal claiming that the UK had gone against the sentiments articulated in articles three and two of the convention as the soldiers inflicted pain and killed the Iraqis in one of their detention facilities. Articles two and three are against the brutal treatment of any individual and the separation of an individual with his or her life. However, the main concern when handling the case was not whether UK had indeed breached the stipulations of articles two or three but whether the location where these acts were committed fell under the legal jurisdiction of the ECHR. After presiding over that case an opinion that people outside ECHR’s reach who have been affected by a breach of the conventions acts could bring the perpetrators of the heinous acts into the ECHR’s immediate jurisdiction for prosecution. However, the ECHR did not confirm these allegations. The ECtHR& ECHR has the mandate to conduct its endeavours to the citizens of the 47 signatory states of the COE but doesn’t add the convention and its court can practise outside the states under the COE3. Jus t by looking at the jurisdiction concerns of the convention the answer to the question is already a big resounding no. But what if we turn a blind eye it the conventions issue of jurisdiction and assume the convention had the global jurisdiction. Would it have the capacity to provide the standards of criminal law and social support then? The reason for the establishment of the ECtHR under the ECHR was to ensure

Cloning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cloning - Research Paper Example This is the very reason that an identical clone is formed through this process. The future of cloning depends totally on the new researches which are being done. Cloning Cloning so far has not been successful as it was expected. A sheep dolly was cloned in the year 1996 and it was considered as one of the most successful cloning experiment on an animal. Cloning has never showed any positive results on human beings. Cloning has been approved by many scientists and groups who argue that it holds the potential for many benefits for human beings and can serve to provide results and treatments that other methods have failed to provide. On the other hand, cloning has been rejected on the basis of ethical considerations. It has faced social as well as religious criticism owing to many reasons which include the fact that cloning has not yielded any major benefits as yet and also it serves to challenge the normal working and equilibrium of the world (Human cloning 2011; Phil B). Cloning is a process which can be compared to the stem cell research. Extracting stem cells and using them for curing diseases uses the process of cloning. Currently many research therapies are being carried out to find the viability of the stem cells. A study done in New England Journal of Medicine validates the use of stem cells in the patients who are suffering from leukemias. The research undertook many patients into consideration who were suffering from leukemias and their treatment options. The research then compared the patients who were provided with stem cell transplants with those who were not and it was found that stem cell transplant from newborn babies were effective in treating these patients. Thus it was concluded that leukemias can be treated with effective treatment by adult stem cells based on the process of cloning (Leukemia Patients Survive with Stem Cell Transplant, 2004). Similarly another research done by the UC researchers showed that bone marrow stem cells can be used to effectively treat disorders which are related to the eye. These stem cells can greatly help to cure the genetic eye disorders in children. Research done by the UC researchers was carried out on animals and the tests were positive. This showed that stem cells may also effectively work on human subjects to cure eye disorders (Bone Marrow Stem Cells May Cure Eye Disease, 2007). Not only this, but it was also found that adult stem cells can be used to cure heart attacks by the British physicians. The new treatment helped the heart muscles to recover from the shock that the treatment received. In other words because of the patients own stem cells the patient could recover from a heart attack as their heart muscles could be revived (Julie Wheldon, 2006). Another research carried out on skin cells to make them act as the stem cells worked quite effectively in treating rats with diseases of the brain. Parkisons Disease is one of the examples which the rats were suffering from and showed im provement because of the stem cells. This clearly shows that embryonic stem cells which are considered to be the basic cells of an organism can provide a breakthrough in treatments of different diseases which were previously not curable. (Stem Cells from skin treat brain disease in Rats, 2008). Another research being carried out in Spain shows that stem cells can greatly help to treat genetic disorders such as the Crohn’s Disease. It was found that 20% of the patients on which the stem cell transpl

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Leading Change Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Leading Change - Case Study Example Other than the Chairman, the company is managed by a CEO and has four divisions: R&D, Production, Sales and Finance. A Vice President, followed by a Senior Manager who in turn oversees Team Managers, heads each division. (pg.7) The culture in the company seems to an open one. Peers and seniors interact with each other and take joint decisions. However, the marketing team is not very open to new ideas as it feels the same might require a lot of concept selling , which makes their task difficult.(pg 5).Similarly, the Production team had to be shown a prototype and working of the new product before they could be convinced that it was worth the efforts. They also had to be convinced that the product would not require any additional investment and could be manufactured with the existing machinery. The structure and culture of the company are related in many ways The decisions seem to follow a top-down approach. If the V.P is convinced about an idea, it is quite easy to pass it on to the Senior Managers and Team Managers who would actually execute the decisions. While each tam works independent of the other, unless the top brass is convinced, the teams are not ready to implement any new idea. The structure and culture of the company ... o Briefly describe the power structures and politics that you see in Good Sport. To what extent are these the result of the organizational structure and culture To what extent do they determine the culture As you navigated through the various power structures at Good Sport, what decisions do you feel could have been made that stemmed beyond the options provided to you within the simulation Power structures and politics are a part and parcel of any workplace. In Good Sport too, they are existent to some extent. As a Senior Manager, I had to make great efforts to convince the production and sales teams to go in for the new product XtendSport designed by Frazier O Donell. Not only did I have to facilitate the presentation by Frazier, I had to speak to Tamara Watkins, V.P R&D to put in a word to the CEO; invite Samuel Olsen, V.P. Sales, along with a few colleagues to discuss the new fitness equipment, XtendSport; and get an approval from the sales team. Also, I had to barter with support to one of the sales team's ideas if they supported the sales of the new product. Thus although the sales team initially felt that the product would require concept selling, which they felt was a tough task, after all the cajoling and ingratiation tactics, they were ready to take up the job and provide all support for the product. Thus, from a low position on the power graph, I had moved to a very high position. Similarly, the production team had to be convinced that production of XtendSport would not lead to higher costs. Initially, the production team opposed the design, thinking that it would lead to higher manufacturing costs. They had to be shown a prototype of the product and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Beer Industry in the United States Term Paper

The Beer Industry in the United States - Term Paper Example Throughout the world, brewing or the preparation of beer exists as an activity that even offers financial gains. As a point of fact, the United States of America is the leader in terms of beer production (Kirin Holdings, 2009). Not including the home brewers, United States has an estimate of 1700 breweries having the Anheuser - Busch Inc., the MillerCoors Brewing Corporation and the Pabst Brewing Company consecutively as its top three giant companies in terms of sales (Brewers Association, 2010). Nonetheless, despite the case that America comes to be number one in the production of beer around the world, it lags behind a number of countries, in particular, those in Europe, in terms of consumption making US ranked only second to China in total consumption and only 16th in the world in per capita consumption (Kirin Holdings, 2009). ... Third, it endeavors to understand what beer is in the American context. Fourth, it also seeks to define the structure of the American beer industry through looking at the top brewing companies and the craft breweries or microbreweries. Last, it aspires to take a particular look on the brewing at the domestic level. The need to explore the beer industry in American context can backed up by the reason that beer has always been part of the American culture. Beer has held its prominence to almost everyone existing in the world. Likewise, it is of interesting position that the United States is the leader of beer production. However, the beer industry in United States is not known to most of us. That is what this paper wants to shed light on. The significance of this paper is that it contributes to an understanding of what the beer industry looks like in the American context. Review of Related Literatures This part of the paper will first present a general idea of the available literatures about the beer industry in the United States. This review aims to offer a cursory outlook at how the range of presented data is sought to address the problem of this paper. In order to grasp a deeper understanding of the beer industry in the context of United States, this section is categorized into the following segments namely: a) A Brief Historical Account of Beer Industry in United States, b) The Beer Industry and the Different Types of Beers, c) The Beer Terminology in the United States, d) The Structure of the American Beer Industry, e) An Overview of Top 3 Brewing Companies in the United States, f) A Look at the Microbreweries, and g) Understanding Home Brewing. Meanwhile, it is deemed important to note that the reviewed books, articles and other materials

Monday, September 23, 2019

Urban design studentship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Urban design studentship - Essay Example Studying design in the context of urban locations is essential to practical training because of the importance of being able to see real people within the designed spaces. The importance of the understanding the urban spaces as a means of understanding the people that live there is emphasized by the development of urban archaeology, a study â€Å"concerned with the reconstruction of the natural and human environment within which and as part of which human actions take place† (Chapter 8, 2008). This is because the whole purpose of urban design is to create a pleasing â€Å"visual effect of building masses, connections with people and places, creation of spaces for movements, urban amenities and public realm, and †¦ improving the overall townscape† (Government, 2006). In working out the management of a specific place, there are invariably a number of people involved in the process and, when becoming enveloped within the design process, it is often too easy to forget to consider the actual use of the spaces being designed, the history involved and the personal connections that have been made with the space. â€Å"There is a core group whose understanding of the relationship between urban structure, spaces and buildings, and ability to develop three-dimensional concepts is central† (Olszewski & Pudlowski, 2001). This understanding can only be acquired by experience. Practical experience of designed spaces enables the urban designer to begin understanding the various ways in which people have used a particular location in ways that are difficult to simulate using tools such as augmented reality. â€Å"Sensations triggered by ‘grasping’ and ‘moving’ aid the designers’ cognitive process and their awareness of ‘being inside’† (Seichter & Schnabel, 2005), but the actual physical space remains difficult to understand in the virtual environment. However, the difficulty remains how to experience the nature of the people, culture and locations

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Distinctive Human Resource Are What Firms Need Essay Example for Free

Distinctive Human Resource Are What Firms Need Essay Introduction Benchmarking is a crucial management tool that guides the stakeholders on the overall performance of the organization as well as mobilizing the employees on a continuous improvement of the organisation’s environmental and social performance. Bench marking is considered to have an impact when the results of the organization performance are immediate (Vorhies and Morgan, 2005). It is essential to recognize that benchmarking and the transfer of the best industry practices are supposed to help an organization in the long run through maximum utilization of the available resources and filling in the gaps associated with an organization poor performance (Drew, 1995). The notion of a single best practice may be overstated. Distinctive human resource practices help to create unique competencies that differentiate products and services and drive competitiveness in organizations. People management practices are the drivers of efforts to create distinctive competencies and, in turn, business strategies. There are various human resource management models that have been used by companies to benchmark and stay competitive in the turbulent business environment and they include the Industrial Organization Model and McKenzie’s 7s Strategy which include shared values, structure, strategy, systems, style, staff and skills. Shared Values Shared values are commonly held beliefs, mindsets, and assumptions that shape how an organization behaves and its corporate culture. Shared values are what engender trust. They are an interconnecting centre of the 7Ss model. Values are the identity by which a company is known throughout its business areas, what the organization stands for and what it believes in, it central beliefs and attitudes. These values must be explicitly stated as both corporate objectives and individual values. Structure Structure is the organizational chart and associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and integrated. In other words, structures describe the hierarchy of authority and accountability in an organization, the way the organizations units relate to each other: centralized, functional divisions (top-down); decentralized (the trend in larger organizations); matrix, network, holding among others. These relationships are frequently diagrammed in organizational charts. Most organizations use some mix of structures: pyramidal, matrix or networked ones to accomplish their goals. Strategy Strategies are plans an organization formulates to reach identified goals, and a set of decisions and actions aimed at gaining a sustainable advantage over the competition. Systems Systems define the flow of activities involved in the daily operation of business, including its core processes and its support systems. They refer to the procedures, processes and routines that are used to manage the organization and characterize how important work is to be done. Style Style refers to the cultural style of the organization, how key managers behave in achieving the organization’s goals, how managers collectively spend their time and attention, and how they use symbolic behaviour. How management acts is more important that what management says. Staff Staff refers to the number and types of personnel within the organization and how companies develop employees and shape basic values. Skills Skills refer to the dominant distinctive capabilities and competencies of the personnel or of the organization as a whole. Industrial Organization (I/O) Model The external environment is primary determinant of the organizational strategy rather than internal decisions of managers. The environment presents threats and opportunities all competing to have equal access to resources. Resources are highly mobile between firms. Organizational success is achieved by offering goods and services at lower costs than competitors. Professional sports 49ers †¢ The 49ers have succeeded by using a strategy of long-term player development by recruiting through college drafts rather than trades. This helps the team cement loyalty to the club by the players. Raiders †¢ The Raiders scoop up talented players who fail or do not fit in elsewhere. The club reinforces its strategy through autocracy where the members are not supposed to participate in decision making. The system of the club embraces outside recruit of experienced players. Retailing: Sales as the Service Sears †¢ The Sears selection system requires extensive training. The style keeps track of employee attitude and morale through employee surveys, pay programs to match other retail business through industrial organization model. Nordstrom †¢ The Nordstrom structure of hiring is decentralized and uses no formal selection tests. There are continuous stream of programs to motivate employees with very little attention paid to the staffs in terms of training and commissions when retailing. †¢ The link between employees and product market strategy is sometimes less direct in services, but there are still relationships between the way employees are managed, the competencies employees help produce, and the way companies compete. Professional Service Firms; Information and Advice as the Product Boston Consulting Group (BCG) †¢ The style of BCG is to hire the best undergraduate and MBA students to work for them. †¢ The firm’s system requires rigorous selection procedures and through industrial organization Model provides exceptional compensation to the employees as compared to other organizations. †¢ The firm develops its staff through formal training. †¢ BCG shared value approach expects each team to come up with innovative ways to reinforce its entrepreneurial culture. McKinsey †¢ The professional firm develops its distinctive capabilities through on-campus recruiting and employee skills and development through extensive training model. †¢ The firm’s strategy lies in providing clients with consistent services. The core competency is also consistent with the products and the techniques of the company. Business Schools Harvard Business †¢ The business school staff development represents internal skills development. The school hires employees and turns them into experts. †¢ The business school invests a lot on employee development through the staff model. Wharton School †¢ The school recruitment strategy model relies on external environment to recruit its employees from a network of academicians. †¢ The system model that is used to make the institution maintain a competitive edge in the market is by hiring employees with superior technical skills and by making use of its outside market. Financial Services Chubb †¢ The insurance firm success is based on its shared value model of becoming the insurance of choice. †¢ The firm makes substantial staff investment through its recruitment, intensive training and testing before hiring. American International Group (AIG) †¢ The success of the insurance firm is through its industrial orientation strategy model where the company identifies new areas of business, creates new products, and benefits from the first mover advantage as a result of exploiting the market. †¢ The company’s competencies are its ability to respond to the turbulent business environment. †¢ The company hires from its competitors and invests less on staff development. The Shipping Business FedEx †¢ The shipping business has a strategy model of empowering its employees in the implementation of its vision. †¢ First service company to win the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award †¢ Intensive orientation program for staff development. †¢ One hub at FedEx meant that there were fewer coordination problems, allowing for autonomy and participation through it structural model. †¢ This model highly enhances loyalty in employees. UPS †¢ The orientation of the company structure model takes an autocratic approach where the employees have no direct say over work organization matters. †¢ Company standards for each task through its shared value model. †¢ Pays the highest wages and benefits in the industry (Industrial Organization Model). †¢ Productivity of UPS’s drivers is about three times higher than that at FedEx due to its high compensation. †¢ UPS’s business demands a level of coordination that is incompatible with individual employee involvement and a â€Å"high commitment† approach through it structural model. Food and Beverages Coke †¢ Coke builds on employee skills and hangs on them through staff development model. †¢ Coke hires college graduates with little or corporate experience and provides intensive training. †¢ There is promotion and seniority based salary incentives. †¢ Decision making is centralized Pepsi †¢ The company relies on employees’ innovativeness to identify market niches †¢ Pepsi hires employees with experience and advanced technical skills through industrial organization model. †¢ Decision making is decentralized. †¢ Employees have little job security. †¢ Less loyal employees. References Drew, S. A. W. (1995). Strategic Benchmarking: Innovation Practices in Financial Institutions. International Journal of Bank Marketing 13 (1),4-16. Vorhies, D. W., Morgan, N. A. (2005). Benchmarking Marketing Capabilities for Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Journal of Marketing 69 (January Issue), 80–94.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Prototype of 3D Cadaster Polygonal Model

Prototype of 3D Cadaster Polygonal Model Abhijit Gujar Table of Contents 1.Introduction 1.1.Background and Justification 1.2.Literature review 1.2.1.Review on concept though and ideas 1.2.2.Review on approaches 1.3.Research problem 1.4.Research objective 1.4.1.General objective 1.4.2.Specific objective 1.5.Research questions 1.6.Research limitations 2.Research design and methods 2.1.Study area 2.2.Data 2.3.Software and hardware requirement 2.4.Research design matrix 3.Framework 3.1.Research framework 3.2.Thesis framework 3.3.Work plan framework 4.Reference 1. Introduction 1.1. Background and Justification Urbanization is an inevitable part of the economic development process for any country and is considered a global phenomenon (Rigg et al., 2009) . However, it is only in recent years that the rate of urbanization has begun to accelerate. More than half of the world population is dwelling in urban area. Urbanization is one of the inevitable phenomenon right now, as the result of this there is need and growth of high rise buildings which are having many types of uses and new types of shared ownership and also underground infrastructure such as sewage, train tunnels (subway), electrical and communication network is becoming dense and complex more over multi-use of land parcel creates new problems and challenges. (Jazayeri, Rajabifard, Kalantari, 2014) Traditionally the land parcel information which includes geometric, visual and legal data is managed in 2D. It is difficult in 2D map to make simple operation such as volume of space, cannot perform various spatial analysis that is necessary in various other field of urban planning as the data is in 2D. 3D visualization for dissemination is very difficult using just the 2D data in cadaster system (Mohamed Anders, 2012). This is where the 3D cadaster comes into light.endi One of the biggest hurdle in developing the 3D cadaster is the creating the 3D building geometry representation that are suitable for 3D cadaster. Although there are CAD model available that represent the 3D blue print of the building, the real on ground situation can be different then what is on the CAD model so it is necessary to calculate the 3D measurements of actual built building. I want to research how we can create a 3D model that is suitable for 3D cadaster, one of the possible methods can be using laser scanning data. Laser scanning data has very high accuracy which is suitable for land administration needs. AHN -2 (Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland) is the project in Netherlands that aims to collect high resolution laser data of entire country (van der Sande, Soudarissanane, Khoshelham, 2010). Although AHN-2 data is accurate the point density is not enough to be able to convert it into a polygonal geometry model as the AHN-2 is taken from high altitude it covers the roof of buildings adequately but the facades of the building generally have less point density which results in anomalies. The proposed solution to take multiple images of the building from all the sides (facades) to construct a point cloud of that building, the minimum number of images required will be analyzed using techniques discussed in (Alsadik, B., Gerke, M., Vosselman, G., Daham, A., Jasim, L. ,2014), then register this point cloud with the AHN-2 point cloud then this point cloud is used to generate 3D model 1.2. Literature review This section talks about the concepts, ideas that are discussed throughout this proposal. Cadaster: Urbanization is a process by which town cities are slowly transformed from rural form to urban form 3D cadaster: Cadaster registers real status of real estate objects until now the spatial information use to register the legal status of land in two dimensional systems that is a parcel is defined by 2D juridical boundaries. 3D cadaster What is a 3D Model A 3D Model is a mathematical representation of any three-dimensional object (real or imagined) in a 3D software environment. Unlike a 2D image, 3D models can be viewed in specialized software suites from any angle, and can be scaled, rotated, or freely modified. The process of creating and shaping a 3D model is known as 3d modeling Laser scanning Laser scanning is technique of controlled deflection of laser beam visible or invisible to capture the information of target in 3D from airborne or terrestrial platform. Airborne laser scanning is carried out from aircraft while terrestrial laser scanning can be done from a stationary or moving platform. Point cloud: point cloud is a set of 3D points in the same coordinate system. Often intended to represent a external surface of an object. Point cloud file is just the set of numbers representing X, Y, Z in coordinate system. Point cloud registration: Point cloud registration is a process of merging 2 separate point cloud having different origin and into one . Stratified sampling method: Stratified is probability sampling technique in which the researcher divides the entire population into different groups and then sample is collected from equally from each group. So that the selected sample can represent the population well. 1.3. Problem statement In past recent years there has been a lot of development in 3D. Netherlands is actively promoting for participation of over 65 private, public and scientific organizations to promote the use of 3D information covering issues such as acquisition, standardization, storage and use (Elberink, Stoter, Ledoux, Commandeur, 2013). Although there are many paper that suggest different methods to extract building from point cloud I want to look into alternative way of designing a 3D model of building by combining two point cloud from different sources. 1.4. Motivation 1.5. Research objective Research objectives are divided into general objective and specific objective. General objective is overall goal of research and specific objective are the objectives that are needed to complete general objective. 1.5.1. General objective To develop and test a prototype of 3D cadaster Polygonal model of building by combing the AHN-2 data with point cloud created by multiple high quality images of the building from all the facades. 1.5.2. Specific objective To formalize a benchmark for constructing a prototype 3D modelof buildingsatisfying the requirement for 3D cadaster. To create a prototype 3D model of a building using the benchmark. To evaluate applicability of developed 3D model based on developed benchmark. 1.6. Research questions Specific objective 1: To formalize a benchmark for constructing a prototype 3D model of building satisfying the requirement for 3D cadaster. What are important feature, constrain and requirement to construct a 3D model of a building for 3D cadaster? What are the criteria of sampling buildings (e.g height, type, length, width, building complexity of structure) Specific objective 2: To create a prototype 3D model of a building using thebenchmark. Which image processing techniques are better for 3D cadaster? Which is appropriate 3D model for 3D cadaster? And why? (wireframe , surface or solid) Specific objective 3: To evaluate applicability of developed 3D model based ondeveloped benchmark. What is the strength and weakness of derived 3D model? What are the reasons of strength and weakness? How can we access the accuracy (X,Y) of the 3D model using the existing 2D cadastral database? How can we access the accuracy (Z) of the 3D model using the CAD model? What are the possible recommendations to improve developed method? 1.7. Research limitations The current research limits extracting the model of building from the exterior of the building and does not covers the interior design and structure of the building. 2. Research design and methods In this section briefly describes the how the research will attempt to accomplish the formulated research questions. It includes the description of study area, people, data requirement, software to be used, proposed workflow/methodology. 2.1. Study area Study area for this project is Enschede. Results from the specific objective one will be used to select sample building of different type, height, volume so that it can represent the building population well. 2.2. Data Data description Data use Data source Airborne laser data for study area To create model PDOK Images of building taken from all the sides For Image base modeling field work CAD model of the building To assess accuracy (z) of developed model Cadaster, Netherlands. 2D Cadastral data of the selected buildings To assess accuracy (x,y) of developed model Cadaster, Netherlands. 2.3. Software and hardware requirement Software / Hardware Use/ application PCM Point cloud segmentation, manipulation and visual interpretation ImageModeler To convert point cloud to 3D model Matlab Coordinate system transformation 3DF Samantha AutoCAD CAD model analysis Endnote Reference management Microsoft Word Thesis preparation Professional camera To capture building images 2.4. Research design matrix Research Sub-Objective Research Question Research Method Required input data Anticipated Output To determine important factors for constructing 3D model ofbuilding satisfying the requirement for 3D cadaster. What are important feature, constrain and requirement to construct a 3D model of a building for 3D cadaster? Literature review, expert consultation, Case study, previous research papers, Case study, Literature, research paper, sample data from cadaster. List of important characteristics/functions/ features. In order to select the buildings for modeling, what are the parameters of sampling (selection)? Stratified sampling method Building type database Selection of types of building to study for modeling To create a prototype 3D model of a building. How can we create a point cloud from the images of building? Literature review, expert consultation, Case study, previous research papers High quality images of the building from all facades. Point cloud data How can we filter unwanted data (noise) from both of the point cloud? Literature review, expert consultation, Case study, previous research papers Two point cloud from previous objective Noise free point cloud How can we create a 3D model of building from point cloud? Literature review, expert consultation, Case study, previous research papers Noise free point cloud 3D model of a building To evaluate applicability of developed 3D model in context of 3D cadaster standards derived from objective one. What is the strength and weakness of derived 3D model? What are the reasons of strength and weakness? Comparison with the result derived from first objective. Visual and statistical analysis. Output from the first objective. Output from second objective. A summarizing list of strength and weakness of the derived output, discussion, conclusion and recommendation. How can we access the accuracy (X,Y) of the 3D model using the existing 2D Kadastral database? Output from second objective. Database for that specific building from Kadaster Table of accuracy analysis. How can we access the accuracy (Z) of the 3D model using the CAD model? Output from second objective. CAD model of same building 3. Framework Framework is structure to organize concepts or steps of the research process for better communication with intended readers. 3.1. Research framework Research framework will depict the overall structure and sequence of the major activities, task within each activity are of equal importance and cannot be skipped. Figure 2: Research Framework 3.2. Thesis framework Thesis framework describes and introduces the chapters that will be included in the main thesis. Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter one offers the justification background of research it also discusses the research problem, research objective, research questions, any previous work done related to this research Chapter 2: Literature Review and concepts Chapter two will go more deep into the concepts and the terms their meaning.Various terminology used in research. Chapter 3: 3D Cadaster In this chapter we will talk about what is 3D cadaster? Why it is useful? Which countries are implementing/ implemented 3D cadaster? How these countries have implemented it? Chapter 6: Field work This chapter discuses about the pre field work and field work . Chapter 5: Source of 3D data In this chapter we will discuss about the various sources of the 3d data that are available in Netherlands. We will compare the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Chapter 6: Technique of modeling In this chapter we will discuss about the various methods, procedure, software’s, algorithms related to 3D modeling. Chapter 7: Accuracy assessment In this chapter we will discuss technique and method of analysis and comparison of the derived model with the benchmark that we obtained from the first objective of research. Chapter 8: Prototype In this chapter we will display the obtained results and then will discuss the finding of the prototype. Chapter 9: Conclusion and Recommendation This chapter consists of the conclusion derived from the results and recommendation for further improvement. 3.3. Work plan framework Work plan framework depicts the activity and time allocated for each activity. Table 1: Work Plan 4. Reference Elberink, S. O., Stoter, J., Ledoux, H., Commandeur, T. (2013). Generation and Dissemination of a National Virtual 3D City and Landscape Model for the Netherlands. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 79(2), 147-158. Jazayeri, I., Rajabifard, A., Kalantari, M. (2014). A geometric and semantic evaluation of 3D data sourcing methods for land and property information. Land Use Policy, 36(0), 219-230. doi: Mohamed, E.-M., Anders, Ãâ€". (2012). Feasibility of Building Information Models for 3D Cadastre in Unified City Models. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 1(4), 35-58. doi: 10.4018/ijepr.2012100103 van der Sande, C., Soudarissanane, S., Khoshelham, K. (2010). Assessment of Relative Accuracy of AHN-2 Laser Scanning Data Using Planar Features. Sensors, 10(9), 8198-8214. doi: 10.3390/s100908198 Rigg, J., Bebbington, A., Gough, K. V, Bryceson, D. F., Agergaard, J., Fold, N., Tacoli, C. (2009). The World Development Report 2009 â€Å"reshapes economic geography†: geographical reflections. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 34(2), 128–136. doi:10.1111/j.1475-5661.2009.00340.x FACULTY OF GEO-INFORMATION SCIENCE AND EARTH OBSERVATION – UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE

Friday, September 20, 2019

Children’s Literature in Jamaica Essay -- essays papers

Children’s Literature in Jamaica As children in the United States, we grow up listening to the stories of Dr. Seuss and Curious George as we fall off to sleep to the sound of our parent’s voices echoing in our dreams. As we start to grow older and the poetry of Shel Silverstein’s, "Where the Sidewalk Ends" no longer holds our imagination as much as it did at eight years old, we begin to read stories that are a reflection of the environment we live within. We engaged ourselves in the lives of such characters as the Hardy Boys and Willy Wonka. What these stories lacked however, are the social issues that are ever present in today’s society. Not all of American children’s literature is without social content, but the literature many of us grew up with was about adventure and mystery. On the other hand, Caribbean children’s literature tends to base its work on survival. The stories of Jamaican folklore for example, tell the tales of the original inhabitants of the Caribbean Island and how they survived colonialism, slavery, poverty, and racism. From generation to generation these stories have been passed down in their original form through oral history. Oral tradition is a method that I believe is no longer preserved in American culture. Rarely do you read of an individual who was sat down on his grandparent’s knee to hear the childhood stories he or her was told by their grandparents before them. In today’s society, all a child has to do to be entertained is turn on the television, or log on to the internet to hear and read the rhetoric of today’s entertainment industry. Whether it is a lack of communication between parent and child, or a loss of innocence, the tradition of a parent telling the story of his or her ancest... are forced to deal with throughout life. Bibliography Berry, James, Everywhere Faces Everywhere, Simon and Schuster Publishing, New York, 1996 Bolden, Tonya, Rites of Passage: Stories About Growing Up by Black Writers from Around the World, Hyperion Books for Children, New York, 1994 Dance, Daryl, Folklore from Contemporary Jamaicans, University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, 1985 Dawes, Kwame, Wheel and Come Again: An Anthology of Reggae Poetry, Goose Lane Publishing, Canada, 1998 Jekyll, Walter, Jamaican Song and Story, Dover Publications, New York, 1966 Jennings, Linda, A Treasury of Stories from Around the World, Kingfisher Publishing, New York, 1993 Ribelli, Piero, Jah Pickney: Children of Jamaica, Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston, Jamaica, 1995 Sherlock, Philip, West Indian Folk-tales, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England, 1966

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Flood in Epic of Gilgamish and Book of Genesis of the Holy Bible Essay

The Flood in The Epic of Gilgamish and The Bible The story of the great flood is probably the most popular story that has survived for thousands of years and is still being retold today.   It is most commonly related within the context of Judeo-Christian tradition.   In the Holy Bible, the book of Genesis uses the flood as a symbol of God's wrath as well as His hope that the human race can maintain peace and achieve everlasting salvation.   The tale of Noah's Ark begins with God's expression of dismay as to the degenerate state of the human race at the time.   People were behaving wickedly and sinfully and God decided that a genetic cleansing was necessary.   He spared only Noah and his family, along with two of every type of animal; one male and one female.   The other most popular flood story is found in the Epic of Gilgamish.   In this text, the gods have decided to destroy everything on earth by creating a great flood.   The only survivor is a man named Utnapishtim, spared because he is the god Ea's favorite hum an.   The Babylonian God Ea had decided to eliminate humans and other land animals with a great flood, which was to become "the end of all flesh".   He selected Utnapishtim, to build an ark to save a few humans, and some of other animals, much like Noah.   In comparing and contrasting the Babylonian text and the biblical story of Noah's Ark, there are many similarities between the two stories and one would conclude that they are essentially identical.   The Genesis story describes how mankind had become corrupt and how the earth was filled with violence.   In the ... it, leaving only a chosen few to remain on earth to start all over again. Works Cited and Consulted: Budge, E. A. Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamesh. Montana, USA: Kessinger Publishing Co., n.d. Gardner, John and John Maier. Gilgamesh: Translated from the Sin-leqi-unninni version. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984. Heidel, Alexander. The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949. Ignatius Holy Bible. Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1996. Web Sites Consulted: The "Epic of Gilgamesh": An Outline. Online. 15 Feb. 2002. Sumerian Mythology FAQ. Online. 15 Feb. 2002. Flood in Epic of Gilgamish and Book of Genesis of the Holy Bible Essay The Flood in The Epic of Gilgamish and The Bible The story of the great flood is probably the most popular story that has survived for thousands of years and is still being retold today.   It is most commonly related within the context of Judeo-Christian tradition.   In the Holy Bible, the book of Genesis uses the flood as a symbol of God's wrath as well as His hope that the human race can maintain peace and achieve everlasting salvation.   The tale of Noah's Ark begins with God's expression of dismay as to the degenerate state of the human race at the time.   People were behaving wickedly and sinfully and God decided that a genetic cleansing was necessary.   He spared only Noah and his family, along with two of every type of animal; one male and one female.   The other most popular flood story is found in the Epic of Gilgamish.   In this text, the gods have decided to destroy everything on earth by creating a great flood.   The only survivor is a man named Utnapishtim, spared because he is the god Ea's favorite hum an.   The Babylonian God Ea had decided to eliminate humans and other land animals with a great flood, which was to become "the end of all flesh".   He selected Utnapishtim, to build an ark to save a few humans, and some of other animals, much like Noah.   In comparing and contrasting the Babylonian text and the biblical story of Noah's Ark, there are many similarities between the two stories and one would conclude that they are essentially identical.   The Genesis story describes how mankind had become corrupt and how the earth was filled with violence.   In the ... it, leaving only a chosen few to remain on earth to start all over again. Works Cited and Consulted: Budge, E. A. Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamesh. Montana, USA: Kessinger Publishing Co., n.d. Gardner, John and John Maier. Gilgamesh: Translated from the Sin-leqi-unninni version. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984. Heidel, Alexander. The Gilgamesh Epic and Old Testament Parallels. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949. Ignatius Holy Bible. Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1996. Web Sites Consulted: The "Epic of Gilgamesh": An Outline. Online. 15 Feb. 2002. Sumerian Mythology FAQ. Online. 15 Feb. 2002.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Graduation Speech: I Am Stronger in the Lord :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

As I come to this place in my life I cannot help but think about Lincoln's Farewell Address at Springfield. In many ways it parallels my feelings in graduating from Gilmore Christian School. This is from President Lincoln's address written Feb. 11, 1861: "No one, not in my situation, can appreciate my feelings of sadness at this parting. To this place, and the kindness of these people, I owe everything. Here I have lived a quarter of a century, and have passed from young to an old man. Here my children have been born and one is buried. I now leave, not knowing when or whether ever I may return, with a task before me greater than that which rested upon Washington. Without the assistance of the Divine being whoever attended him, I cannot succeed. With that assistance, I cannot fail. Trusting in Him who can go with me, and remain with you, and be everywhere for good, let us confidently hope that all will be bell. To His care commending you, as I hope in your prayers you will commend me, I bid you an affectionate farewell." Being the only senior at ACS this year has proved to be difficult. It's had ups and downs. But in the end it was all worth it. ACS has given me something no other school would offer: their love and interested in me and my well-being. I am convinced, if they had not had faith in me, I would not be standing here in this place of honor. This past year, more than any before, I have grown closer to and stronger in the Lord. I would like to take this time to thank my family, friends and teachers: Mom, thank you for everything. You have done so much for me in the past 18 years of my life, I don't know where to start. Thank you for loving me through the thick and thin of it all. Mrs. Graber, thank you for not losing hope in me when you probably should have, and most of all thank you for believing in me. It helped so incredibly much. Mrs. Schultz, thank you for your council. Without it I wouldn't have made it past 11th grade. It has been an honor to have you as a teacher for the past three years. Mr. Murray, first of all, thank you for coming to teach here at Gilmore Christian School.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Lacklustre Castle

When I entered the lacklustre castle , I came upon tangible hundreds of human skin plastered to the wall . The atmosphere was dozed of iniquity as the clock struck midnight and we planned to hunt the treasure located deep inside this isolated castle . † Hey Sam , my instincts had been telling me that this place isn't good for us † George yelled .†Don't be headstrong George ! We will never endeavour such extraordinary places ,† Sam said in his chill voice . † All right , let's begin the journey † Sam ‘s voice was tremblingWe strolled deeper into the castle and through the window . I could see that the sky was full of tumultuous and ominous black clouds that released a sudden shower . The waves rised as great mountains , anger in the form of water , unforgiving and turbulent . My senses believed that these were the first omens of the impending danger . We then walked further in and I was oblivious about the smell of the rotting meat from a corpse hidden under the cushion . We came to a halt in front of a narrow corridor and I was dumbfounded to discover photos of lovely family . Curiosity grew upon us to investigate this . Jane kindled up the candle and surprisingly found some sentences on the wall . According to her , it had said † The treasure has been my people's desire and only a truly determined person will obtain it . However , please do not take this very lightly as you have to face the unbearable challenges . Good luck .† I think the instructions are just fooling us as according to the book , we just need to solve this knotty puzzle † Jane said confidently † Yes , I believe it is a trap † Sam saidSam , behind you !The wall just suddenly came apart and it started falling over Sam and it had smashed him completely and the blood splattered everywhere . I was shouting over the top of my lungs calling for Sam and the wall had completely blocked him and he vanished like the ships passing through the Bermuda Triangle . I knew that the chances were going slimmer . All the buildings started collapsing and Jane and I both fell to the ground and the boulders had blighted the shelter and we could feel the rough waves on us . Jane was trying to stand on the unbalanced surface but † Jane , watch it !† Sam screamed Two enormous rocks had trapped and the chances to rescue her were decreasing . I was conscious about the scorching heat from the fire that had spread like scuttling mice over the carpet . I used my endless effort to push the rocks over her but was ineffective . † Jane , just leave me and tell mum and dad that I love them so much † she muttered softlyHer words splintered inside me causing more pain than a cancer .She inhaled her last precious breathe and stopped breathing . I sank to my knees and my gasping wails had echoed the ruined castle . Raw tears started falling across my cheeks as I placed a kiss on her delicate forehead . After all these fruitful reminiscence , my beloved sister was gone from this world . I believed it is destiny that separates between us . Two fled, one survived .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Glaser Health Products Essay

Glaser Health Products of Ranier Falls, Georgia needs assistance in evaluating and classifying costs in order to implement an activity-based costing system. As stated in the case, these costs will be used for planning and control decisions rather than inventory valuation. The activity-based costing system will provide better allocation of Glaser’s overhead costs rather than a system to look at the cost drivers or the activities that their overhead costs comprise. Glaser’s general structure of an activity-based costing model should consist of cost objects, activities, consumption of resources, and cost. Activity-based costing changes â€Å"the rules of the game† since it changes some of the key measures that manager’s use for their decision making and for evaluating individuals’ performance ( In order for Glaser to implement a successful activity-based costing system management must take a look at their overhead costs and j ustify whether or not they have enough overhead to be worrying about. While we do not know Glaser’s monetary value of their overhead costs, it seems that they have several divisions with a large amount of cost categories management must consider. The three main divisions of Glaser Health Products are Operations, Sales, and Administrative. Under each division are costs categories that have been divided up to help management determine where they belong. (Appendix A identifies each of the costs with the appropriate division). Next, management must identify the big overhead cost in order to determine whether or not they want to allocate some or a bunch of overhead using the activity-based costing system. I suggest that Glaser creates an activity-based costing system that allocates, with a minimal amount of effort, a large portion of their overhead. For instance, management is correct in identifying each of the costs using four different activities. These include unit-level activities, batch-level activities, product-level activities, and facility-level activities. This is a great system because the fewer activities Glaser can use to do this, the easier the accounting will be for management. These four activities will allow  Glaser to fairly and accurately allocate overhead to product lines. (Appendix B illustrates each of the costs under one of the four activities and also classifies the four activities under one of the three divisions). After Glaser management has identified the handful of the activities that connect overhead expenses to products, they must use the appropriate measure (the cost driver) to tie the overhead expenses to the product lines or service lines. To achieve this management must specify an appropriate cost driver for tracing costs associated with the various levels of activities to the next cost objective or products. The cost drivers can include a number of things such as direct labor hours, number of batches, or number of employees. (Appendix C shows the appropriate cost driver with the various levels of activities). Under the Activity-based costing system, Glaser will use preliminary stage cost drivers to link costs of resources consumed in one activity center to other activity centers. Some costs, such as batch-level activity center costs are initially assigned to a primary stage activity center and only need a single assignment process, and are traceable to specific products but often use a cost driver. Product-level activity center costs may be related to a specific product or grouped by activities before being assigned to products at the primary stage. Facility-level activity center costs may go through multiple preliminary stages before being assigned to products (Schneider, 2012). It is necessary to use a preliminary stage cost driver because this system assigns costs from activities to other activities. On the other hand, primary stage cost drivers is used to assign costs from activities to the cost objectives. This process eliminates distortions in cost allocations to products that result from production complexity (Schneider, 2012). Actually sitting down and laying out an activity-based costing system for a real company is much more difficult than a typical textbook ABC problem. Determining what causes a cost to occur is much more difficult than it originally might seem (Krupnicki & Tyson, 1997). Overall, I think that management’s decision to implement an activity-based costing system is going to work in their favor. The decision to implement ABC is often driven by the need to improve customer profitability analysis, to gain more accurate cost information for pricing or to prepare relevant budgets (Cohen, Venieris, & Kaimenaki, 2005). In this case, Glaser wants to identify costs used for planning and control  decisions rather than for inventory valuation. Glaser is likely to see many benefits from implementing an activity-based costing system such as better profitability measures, better decision-making, process improvement, cost estimation, and cost of unused capacity. The activity-based costing system will provide better allocation of Glaser’s overhead costs rather than a system to look at the cost drivers or the activities that their overhead costs comprise. References Schneider, A. (Ed.). (2012). Managerial Accounting: Decision Making for the Service And Manufacturing Sectors. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education. Krupnicki, M., & Tyson, T. (1997). Using ABC to Determine the Cost of Servicing Customers. Management Accounting, 79(6), 40-46. Retrieved from Cohen, S., Venieris, G., & Kaimenaki, E. (2005). ABC: Adopters, Supporters, and Deniers And Unawares. Managerial Auditing Journal, 20(8), 981-1000. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Victory of Spanish over the Aztecs

The victory of Cortes over the Aztec was the result of certain military advantages the conquistadors enjoyed, as well as specific problems that weakened the Aztec people and made the empire more vulnerable. It is almost impossible to believe that a small amount of Spanish soldiers were able to conquer the mighty Aztec empire in this historic battle. As soon as Cortes and his army arrived to Mexico in 1519, where the Aztec used to live.They were kindly received by the emperor Montezuma, and their main goal of coming to Tenochtitlan was the gold. According to Sahagun, (2009), ‘’ when the Spanish had given the gold, they seemed to smile, to rejoice and to be very happy. Like monkeys they griped the gold’’, (p. 112). Despite their small number, the Spanish has defeated the Aztec, because of many advantages, such as the military technology they had, which were based on firearms, swords made by steel and iron and riding horses were a great advantage.Also, they ha d better weapon and a lot of the Aztec were scared of horses. Moreover, the Spanish looked like gods to the Aztecs, because of their aggression in killing people. What is more, the diseases that the Spanish carried, like smallpox and malaria, helped them a lot in victorious. â€Å" The pustules that covered people caused great desolation; very many people died of them, and many just starved to death; starvation regained, and no one took care of others any longer† (Sahagun, 2009, page 114).On the other hand, before the Spanish reached Mexico, there were many problems that faced the Aztecs, for example because of the Aztecs religion, it requested a large number of human sacrifices, which considered as an honor, where to be made to the Gods. â€Å" Once when Duran asked why the people were not content to sacrifice animals, he was told that the sacrifice of humans was the honored offering of a great lord â€Å" (Duran,2009,page 407). Furthermore, the Aztecs were not able to be united with other tribes, so the Spanish took this point as an advantage, by united with other tribes to fight the Aztecs.All of these factors were important reasons to destroy the Aztec’s civilization. In conclusion, the Spanish had no mercy in fighting with Aztec and they made many massacres back that time. They used many powerful battle methods against the Aztec, like swords, horses and diseases . Also, there were some interior troubles inside the Aztec society such as human sacrifices. after long battle between the Spanish and the Aztec and a long siege of the capital Tenochtitlan, where much of the population died from hunger and diseases.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Betta Value Stores

Betta value stores meeting report: The first issue in the meeting that we discussed was that at the store enterance, there are too few shopping baskets, and any available trolleys are of the wrong type. The store has problems with persuading shoppers to return them to the trolley park at the main entrance of the store. We had quite a debate on this issue as Zara and Ahmed had quite strong ideas. Ahmed had the idea of nectar points and that every time you put your trolley back you will get points on your card. And in the end you can trade your points for a item sold in the store.In the end we decided that this would be too much of a hassle so instead we went with Zara’s idea. Which was to firstly buy more trolleys so there are plenty available but to buy the ones you have to put a pound in. This way people will return their trolleys so they can have their pound back. We thought a disadvantage for this would be that we would have to replace all existing trolleys with ones which have slots for moneys. In the end we decided this would be a good thing to invest in as it will be very beneficial in the end. The second issue that we discussed was that staff are seen to be unhelpful.That checkout operators do not know the location of items, people are still seen to be stacking shelves after the store has opened for the public and that younger employees are offhand with dealing with the public. For the solution of this first problem about people carry on stacking the shelves we came to a clean conclusion of started stacking shelves earlier and for them to train to stack the shelves faster. The solution to the checkout operators we were torn between two. One idea was that we give a sheet of paper to the checkout operators outlining where most of the goods in the store are located.The other idea we had was that we have a touch screen computer in which you type in the key words of the item and it will tell you its location. We said that initially it would cost quite a bit but in the end it well be very beneficial. Thirdly we discussed the fact that most customers suggested that we should offer a lot more services rather then just selling household goods and groceries. Some services and facilities they suggested included having lottery kiosks, newspaper stalls, shoe repairs, cash points etc.We had quite a debate about this but one thing we all agreed at was that we would offer some of these services rather all of them and we agreed that this would be a top priority as we would not want to lose customers to other businesses who provide these services. In the end we all agreed on the fact that we should for now work towards getting a lottery kiosks and stand for newspaper. We would see if this would improve the business as a whole and meet customer needs after assessing this we would re-evaluate of what other services we should provide for customers.Another important issue that was on the minds of a lot of customers was that no allowances are made for shoppers who have mobility problems or small children or who speak little English. At first we were lost as to solve this problem and could not generate many solutions. In the end though we decided that we would employ some employees that were bilingual and maybe put signs up that are in other languages as well as English for all to understand. We also decided that a ramp out side of the building would be appropriate.

Friday, September 13, 2019

B-cell Cancer and Different Stages of B-lymphocyte Development Essay

B-cell Cancer and Different Stages of B-lymphocyte Development - Essay Example At any point in the body, millions of B cells are circulating in the blood and lymph (the fluid and protein that has been squeezed out of the blood i.e. blood plasma) but are not producing antibodies. Once the B cell encounters its corresponding antigen and receives an additional signal from a helper T cell, it can further make a distinction into two types; plasma b-cells and memory b-cells. "In humans, the development of B cells in the bone marrow is initiated by the assembly of genes for the variable regions of the heavy and light chains of antibodies in B-cell progenitors, mediated by a process called V(D)J recombination. In this process, the DNA located between the rearranging gene elements is deleted from the chromosome (or sometimes inverted)." (NEJM -- Cellular Origin of Human B-Cell Lymphomas) The argument that is going to be presented in this essay revolves around the premise that each type of B-cell cancer reflects a different stage of B-lymphocyte development. It is therefore central to understanding of this essay that the relation between types of B-cell cancer and stages of B-lymphocyte be established. As discussed above, the B cell enters into differentiation and directly become one of the two types of cell. However, B-cells can also go through an intermediate differentiation step - the germinal centre reaction where the B cell will hyper mutate the variable region of the antibody and possibly class switch. How Cancer Begins In any type of cell, the genetic code can produce abnormal types and amounts of proteins if it gets damaged and altered. This leads to abnormal behaviour of the cell and it continue dividing and stays alive contrary to normal instructions to rest or die. The first cell to turn to abnormal growth control is known as the cell of origin. When it divides, the new cells inherit the same genetic behaviour of the cell of origin. Thus, the descendants are clones of this cell. This entails the beginning of cancer where cancer cells are growing with abnormal proportions and have growth and survival advantages over normal cells since they refute the normal genetic code. These cells may eventually form lumps called tumours. Lymphoma The cancer which affects the lymphocyte type of cells is known as lymphoma. The b-cell in particular originates and differentiates in the bone marrow and around 85% of the lymphomas are of b-cell origin. "New findings about lymphoma made in the past two years by Dr. Dalla-Favera's lab have shown that the cancers develop with a mechanism unique to B cells, but that they are also vulnerable to some new experimental drugs". Other forms of lymphocytes comprise of the t-cell, which originates in the bone marrow but differentiate in thymus gland. A third kind of lymphocyte is of natural killer cells which are specialized in killing foreign threats and alerting other immune systems of such possible threats. The different types of lymphoma are determined according to what type of lymphocyte has become cancerous, and the stage of development. "Lymphoma is not one cancer, but a name for a group of related cancers that arise when a Lymphocyte (a blood cell) becomes malignant.The normal function of lymphocytes is to defend the body against pathogens

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Macro and Microeconomics Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Macro and Microeconomics Issues - Essay Example The analysis of price and income effects based on the estimated demand system has suggested that with the increase in food price inflation, the demand for staple food (rice, wheat, and sugar) may not be affected adversely but, that of high-value food commodities is likely to be affected negatively.† The increase in the price of orange due to supply constraints would lead to increase in prices of other fruits in general. Poor people tend to spend more on bread, a staple food item in spite of price increase by reducing their consumption of other food which cost more. This phenomenon is called as ‘Giffen’s Paradox’. Giffen’s paradox is not applicable in the case of orange, as it is not a staple food in poor households. Demand for the orange cannot be considered inelastic. Silberberg and Walker(687) observe â€Å"When the price of the Giffen good changes, therefore, not only does the income term outweigh the substitution term for the Giffen good, but a similar result is produced for the cross effect on the other commodity.† Therefore, increase in the price of orange will lead to increase in the price of other fruits like grapes or apples due to the substitution effect. The increase in price or orange induces farmers to increase the area under crop for oranges which are expected to increase the production of oranges to the normal level of demand in the economy. However, when the farmers have other alternatives of producing corn or other grasses, may be at a lesser cost of production for manufacture of ethanol, the scenario with regard to supply pattern changes drastically. President George W. Bush called for the United States to reduce its gasoline consumption by 20% in the next decade. Considering the growth rates in consumption of gasoline, reduction in consumption of gasoline is very difficult. He proposed an increase in ethanol produced from corn and the stalks and leaves from corn and other grasses.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Love and Morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Love and Morality - Essay Example The story is based on two individuals who have different and separate lives but who have not experienced true love until they meet one another while on vacation in Yalta; this puts them in a state where they are obligated to choose between continuing their lives as they were before they met when they separate or find a means of exploring their love further, which leads to the development of an affair as both characters are married. It is through the decision to continue the affair that the story shows that true love cannot be ignored by those affected by it. The story brings to light the characteristic that true love is unexpected and cannot be planned ahead of time. This is seen in various parts of the story whereby neither Gurov nor Anna expect to fall so deeply for one another as shown in statements such as â€Å"A month or so would pass and the image of Anna Sergeyevna, it seemed to him, would become misty in his memory, and only from time to time he would dream of her with her touching smile as he dreamed of others† (146.) Gurov assumed that he would be able to easily forget the woman he met while on vacation once he got back to his normal routine but soon found out that this was not possible and to his surprise as time passed on he found he was still not able to stop thinking about Anna. This is seen in the statement, Both characters had gone to Yalta on vacation with no expectations of finding love but as a result of circumstantial meeting ended up finding an individual that they could see themselves spending their entire lives with. The correlation between love and morality also plays a part in the story as well; both Anna and Gustov married young and were in a relationship for a number of years before they met, but this fact does not stop them from falling in love. It is also seen that they are in fact not in love with their spouses when Chekhov states that

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


IS CPHL214 A PHILOSOPHY COURSE OR WHAT - Assignment Example In the second paragraph, unsubstantiated attributions are made to the professor. While the professor might have said â€Å"critical thinking skills are good things to have†, he did not seemed to have said that â€Å"its good to be picky, argumentative, always finding something wrong with whatever students write, and cynical†. The latter is merely an interpretation on part of the writer as to what the professor meant by his comment. This interpretation comes across as exaggerated and negatively biased against the professor. Moreover, while there is a link between critical thinking courses and the broader philosophy courses, whether or not the courses are â€Å"good† is an irrelevant deviation from the argument. The last two lines of the second paragraph are also display an error in syllogism. It doesn’t stand to reason that all critical thinking courses are philosophy courses, just because this claim cannot be proven false. In the third paragraph, the perusal of hear-say evidence of Bertha weakens the argument. Moreover, Bertha’s friends don’t represent the entire student population, in order that sweeping conclusions could be made based on the evidence provided by her. That Bertha’s friends’ course did and CPHL214 did not talk about the â€Å"meaning of life† doesn’t make the two courses incompatible – they could just be two variations of a common theme. In the fourth paragraph the assertion that â€Å"meaning of life is interesting† appears arbitrary, unsubstantiated as it is with any rationale. Likewise, â€Å"there’s no way CPHL214 is interesting† is also a subjective judgment and not an indisputable fact. Defining philosophy as the â€Å"study of human life† is too simplistic and vague for the purposes of classifying CPHL214. Coming to the fifth paragraph the fact that the professor works for money and that he has a stake in the functioning of the

The develoment of Arab Nationalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The develoment of Arab Nationalism - Essay Example Arab nationalism called for a political and cultural rejuvenation of the Arab world, an intense celebration of the Arab civilization and the Arab literature and language, and called for a political unification of the Arab world (Dawisha, 2005). The premise that encouraged the Arab nationalism was the firm belief that the Arab people tended to share a common linguistic heritage, cultural values, historical past and religious belief system (Dawisha, 2005). Genesis of Arab Nationalism In that context it is imperative to unravel the genesis of Arab nationalism. Since the 16th century the Ottoman Empire exercised a formal sovereignty over the Arab lands (McCarthy, 2006). For quiet a time the Ottoman Empire tended to be cautious in its approach towards the Arab tribes, choosing to garrison the key ports and cities, exercising little influence in the local Arab politics and tribal affairs (McCarthy, 2006). The Arab residents of Syria, Mesopotamia (Iraq) and Palestine appreciated this arrang ement and actually started dominating the local Ottoman administration (McCarthy, 2006). However, as in 1914 the Ottoman Empire entered the I World War, it no more afforded to take the Arab loyalty for granted. It was first owing to the rise of a nascent Arab nationalism that drew inspiration from the Western ideas (McCarthy, 2006). Many Arabs started to appreciate the nationalist Slavic movements of the Balkans, most of which managed to secure independence from the Ottoman Empire (McCarthy, 2006). The other factor was the rising clout of the educated Arab elites, which included former or serving officers affiliated to the Ottoman administration and army, Arab civil servants and intellectuals (McCarthy, 2006). The completion of Hejaz railway in 1908 was the other bone of contention for the Arabs who believed that it tightened the Ottoman stranglehold on them (McCarthy, 2006). This particularly enervated the Hashemite clan that claimed descent from the Prophet and was led by Sharif H ussein ibn Ali in 1914 (McCarthy, 2006). The disgruntled Arab tribes of the interior resented the stringent approach of the Ottomans and gradually started to enter arrangements with the British, to initiate a revolt against the Ottomans (McCarthy, 2006). This revolt was further incited by the nationalist al-Fatat movement in Syria (McCarthy, 2006). In the post World War I period, the establishment of the French and the British mandate saw varied Arab uprisings like the uprisings in Iraq and Syria (Jankowski, 2002). Besides the relative independence of North Yemen, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iraq incited the Arab nationalists in the neighbouring regions to overthrow the imminent Western colonial powers (Jankowski, 2002). The ensuing anti-Zionist uprisings in Palestine and anti-colonial activities in Syria further encouraged the nationalist movements in Iraq and Egypt, which gave way to the modern Arab nationalism that led to the independence of varied Arab nations in the period followin g the World War II (Jankowski, 2002). The Role Played by Intelligentsia There is no denying the fact that Arab intellectuals do played a pivotal role in the genesis, encouragement and dissemination of Arab nationalism. Abd al-Rahman al-Kawakibi was a prominent Syrian intellectual

Monday, September 9, 2019

Facilitate Learning and Assessment in the Clinical Environment Essay

Facilitate Learning and Assessment in the Clinical Environment - Essay Example This paper will define the key theory usage of rubric that is the focal point in the hybrid-problem based learning system that has tremendous benefits for any academic center and depicts the ideal relationship between the tutor and the tutee. The current model in the nursing field is to design a challenging curriculum, develop courses, teaching and guiding learners, clinical trials, and finally evaluating along with documenting the outcomes. However, research indicates that few attempts have been made to analyze  changes in relation to the quality of service and patient recovery in United Kingdom. The current reflective model has several aims for the young nurses to be successful.   The current UK model aims to meet the aspirations of the modern medical healthcare services by increasing the recruitment of nurses. One of the most critical components for these young medical professional is to put them in an environment in which they can enhance their skill base and competences with the hosptial’s development progress. More focus is emphasized on training while increasing the staff morale in midst of adversities. Furthermore, the goal was to escalate the interpersonal communications of these students in order for them to communicate with their patients. It is evident that patients and the hospitals want to have this symbotic relationship in which habits of trust and confidentiality are solidified. In today’s modern world of academics, assessing students is a vital component towards evaluating the students’ performances.   The benchmark of assessment is not standard as it varies all across the academic universities in United States and plays a vital role towards the learning process of the student. While students can be assessed through participation and homework, testing is at times required to evaluate students. English is one of the most complex languages in existence as it contains many grammatical intricacies and multiple-meaning wor ds. The issue of testing is sensitive towards students. Many students feel that some methods of testing are unjust as they fail to measure the competence levels of their language proficiency that extends beyond a traditional â€Å"pen and paper based test.† A good test should take both cognitive and verbal proficiency into account in order to assess the learning process. Nursing  education has a body of knowledge on which nurse educator is based on teaching, educational strategies, and curricular designs, but most importantly the knowledge base, which is based on experience. A model that should be developed for nursing students should be simple in order to facilitate the process. It should consist of peer collaboration, discussion, research and testing along with shadowing a medical professional. These steps are vital because they solidify the foundation of core competencies along with remedying deficiencies. Education in health begins with the young generations being more involved in mentoring rather than filling in the blanks of a test. This theory is supported by many scholars as more effective as it enables students to gain a better understanding of the overall approach that occurs. The traditional methods that the most classrooms enforce consist of giving mindless repetition of written drills to teach Math, Science, and English.   Many factors affect international student’s ability to acquire these subject matters since the pressure is on them to excel through a letter grade. That poses a huge problem for

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Evidence based design-healthcare Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evidence based design-healthcare - Assignment Example Some of the factors considered in evidenced based design include the impact of getting connected to the natural environment on human biology and use of daylight, improving movement of people within a healthcare facility to improve safety, ergonomics, efficiency and hygienic issues which are very important for a healthcare facility. According to Kirk (95), improving outdoor views as well as optimizing daylight exposure has been considered as one of the design objectives especially for a wellness centre. Previous studies have also suggested that the provision of patients with a view of the natural world reduces their need for pain medication thus has the impact of shortening their stay in the hospital. Other studies have also suggested that the improved view of the biological world while patients are in hospitals reduces their length of stay. According to Verderber et al (238), this evidence based design discovery positively affects circadian rhythms of sleep as well as alertness thus improves the general experience of patients. When patients get access or are exposed to abundant sunlight. An example of this was seen at the Butter County healthcare center in David city in which a new wellness center featured a unique three thousand plus square foot curved glass curtain wall that goes up to twenty two feet high. This design offers beautiful views of a park and the surrounding natural environment. The design of the building was aimed at creating a more comfortable healing environment and provides a connection through which patients and healthcare staff meet the outside environment. Designs at this healthcare center used building information management technology as well as sun tracking analysis software to create a comfortable environment. Researchers on the impacts of natural environment have also suggested that the impacts